I have always believed that the cost of university in South Africa is very high especially when you take into account the background of the majority that apply. You have students who go from a school that pay under R3000 a year for high school to having to pay to anywhere between R30 000- R70 000 per year for their degree. It's scary.
As a masters student, I was fortunate enough to not have the pain of accumulating debt. The first year of my masters was free, however the subsequent years have been at my own cost. I know the pain of accumulating academic debt all to well. I experienced this throughout most of my undergraduate degree. From beginning of my second year I was already at risk of financial exclusion, infact, I could not even access my degree certificate for over two years due to outstanding fees. Begin in this position again is somewhat depressing. A dull sadness that is constantly at the back of every exciting thing I experience as student currently.
I fear, with this new pursuit, I will be back to accumulating debt and constantly facing financial exclusion. The fact that I am graduate makes my situation even worse. Many bursary and funding schemes prioritize students who are pursuing they first degree. I completely understand why that is the case.
As indicated in my previous post, I am first year student at the University of Pretoria (Yippee!!). My excitement is often swallowed by the sheer cost of first year. This year's fees for first year of medicine were + R60 000. This number will naturally increase next year. As it stands, I was required to pay 40% of the year's fees by the end of April which I could not. My head is spinning just thinking all this over. As dauting as this all is I have done as best as I can academically while trying to ignore the red financial flags and the possibility that this could be my first and only year of studying medicine. Financial exclusion is real.
In 2018, I was accepted to study medicine. I didn't take the offer because I could not afford it. I had university debt around R65 000 and no bursary. It broke me mentally and emotionally to decline the offer, but I felt I had to do what was financially responsible as a growing adult. I sometimes wished I had taken the offer but there is no benefit in dwelling in the past. This time around, I decided to take the risk despite not knowing how I would financially get through it.
I had hoped bursaries would be many however most are targeted at students immediately out of high school and those who are studying towards their first qualification. A selection criterion I do not meet.
I have looked for employment all year with no response and that has been demotivating. I hope being on vacation now and having the availability to work all day will improve my chances of getting a job.
If you are a self-funded student dealing with the same or similar issue, how are you coping? What is your plan? I am eager to hear from others on this boat.
Please check out ISFAP. they fund medicine. Even gemp... obviously funding ppl who already had undergrad degrees.