Hey everyone,
It has been quite some time since I last posted on the blog. My current academic activities have kept me very busy; so busy I missed the application deadline for Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University. Darn it, that is one less shot at getting into a medical program.
I have applied to six universities so far (UCT, WITS, UFS, Nelson Mandela University, UKZN, UP) and I recieved my first rejection this week.
I cannot express how heartbroken I am. I really hoped my honours marks (+80%) would see me through however I guess that just was not enough to be considered for the programme. While I am trying to squash any negative thoughts, a part of me can't help but feel that this is the first of many more rejections. I am just happy the application was free, that is one less thing to sulk about.
If you, like me, have been rejected, try not to take it personally or be demotivated. I am constantly reading amazing profiles of people who started studying medicine in their 30s and 40s. Perhaps reading such profiles will keep you positive too. We may not get in now but hopefully we eventually will be given the opportunity to pursue our passion.
If you were lucky enough to recieve a positive outcome, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Celebrate it hard. It is a wonderful opportunity. I wish you all the best with your journey towards becoming a physician.