Hey Everyone,
Wits Wapt
I wrote the Wits Wapt this week. The exam includes Physiology, Anatomy and Molecular Biology. The subjects were examined individually for 50 marks each over a period of two days. Firstly, I must say the summaries provided by the Amp'd for the Wapt team are phenomenal. If you're interested in taking the exam in the future, please visit their website and access their resources. Secondly, the exam itself was online and well run outside of a few non-major glitches. My laptop started acting up right at the beginning of my physiology exam and I lost about 30 minutes stressing over it and trying to get back to the test. Am I confident of my perfomance? No. I wish I had dedicated more time to studying. I believe the paper was fair for those who had studied well in advance. Right now, all I can do is wait for results. Hopefully I will make it through to the selection round.
In other news.......
About a month ago, I was all up in tears about my first rejection. I did not mention it, but it was from the University of Mandela. It turns out there was outstanding documents and that was what was holding the application back. I only came to this realization after recieving an email from the University stating the deadline to submit the documents.
The documents were submitted with the original application but I sent them again. So yes, there are no rejections just yet and I am keep the faith high.
So where do I currently stand?
My University of Pretoria application is under consideration and while that doesn't mean much it, it makes me so happy just to know they are considering it. With regards to University of Cape Town, I have received NO COMMUNICATION at all since the acknowledgement of my application. It is very strange and I will query it this week. The University of Free State does not have a track my application app and when I previously queried when the outcome of the application would be announced I was told October. I am crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. The University of KwaZulu Natal finally made communication with me this week (Finally!!!!!). My application is under consideration and they wanted to know if I would be completing my masters this year for the purpose of knowing which marks to use for selection purposes. As it stands, they will be waiting until January next year for final results. Wits...well, I just wrote the test and will only know the outcome in a month or two.
Overall, finding out my application to the NMMU was not outright rejected has lifted my spirits VEEERY much. My only advise now is keep your faith high, be realistic and make as many alternative career plans as possible. Medical programs are very hard to get in, even with excellent marks. Consider Pharmacy, Dentistry or Postgraduate Diplomas related to health science and any other avenues which you believe can make you happy in the event you are not accepted.