University of Free State Medicine (MBChB) selection guidelines for postgraduate students
There is a lot of curiosity surrounding the selection process of students into the medicine program, be it immediately after matric or as a postgraduate student. Often the processes are hidden, and enquiries are meet with being told selection is at the discretion of the faculty.
The University of Free State publicly shares their Selection Policy for medicine every year and the complete document can be found on their website
All applicants including postgraduate students must meet prerequisite of having obtained level 5 (60%) in Mathematics, Physical Science, Life Science and Language of Instruction. Experienced university students are not required to write or submit NBT scores as they will not be used in their application score.
Graduates (not currently enrolled in another program) should ensure they completed their graduate degree in the minimum duration + 1. In addition, applicants must have obtained 70% (traditional university) or 75% (university of technology) for all modules they were registered for.
Postgraduate students (currently enrolled in a program) are subjected to the same criteria as above for their current degree however if results for current degree are not available yet results from the latest completed degree will be used.
Overall Selection Points
The University of Free state enrols 180 student’s year into medicine. Of those place, 36 (20%) are reserved for Senior applicants. This includes postgraduate students and students who are currently registered for their first qualification. Applicants are ranked according to their Overall Selections Points (OSP). A total of 107 OSP can be achieved by postgraduate students. The Overall Selection Points for postgraduate students are calculated as follows:
A maximum of 100 points is allocated for academic achievements. The average of currently enrolled qualification or previously enrolled qualification are used. A maximum of 5 points are allocated to region of origin. Applicants from Free State are allocated 5 extra points, applicants from the Northern Cape are allocated 3 points and applicants from other regions receive none. A maximum of 2 additional points is allocated to children of alumni and current university staff members.
If there are multiple candidates with the same OSP competing for the same spot the following results are taken into consideration
1.The average of your Matric Results excluding Life Orientation
2. The average of your matric Mathematics, Physical Science and Life Science .
The weight of the region of origin seems ridiculously high to me and I wonder if other universities do the same. Nonetheless, I really appreciate the university for publicly sharing their entire selection process. It helps one understand very early if one has realistic chance of being accepted and how one can improve their application in future.
Applicants to the University of Free State for Medicine opened on 1 April and will close on the 31 May 2021. The applicant is online and free.
All the best