Applications to study at the University of KwaZulu Natal have not been announced by the university as yet. The most recent document detailing the guiding principles of selection to the medicine program dates back to 2019 and can be found online This blog post will purely focus on the guidelines for graduates and postgraduates .
First and foremost ALL applicants (including graduates/mature students) must have achieved a minimum of Level 5 (60%) in Mathematics, Physical Science, Life Science and English. The overall aggregate must be over 65% for matric as well as their latest graduate/postgraduate qualification. Applicants must be under the age of 35
UKZN reserves 31 places for graduate and postgraduate students. The spaces are allocated as follows.
9/31 – Students who have completed a relevant BSc or BMdSc degree at a recognized University of South Africa. Four spaces are for BSc graduates and 5 are for BMdSc graduates.
9/31 – Students who have completed a relevant science postgraduate degree (PhD, Masters, Hons, Postgraduate Diploma) at a University or University of Technology recognized in South Africa with over 65%. Candidates who have failed or had a supplementary exam during their latest qualification will not be considered.
9/31 – Students who have completed a health science degree including nursing at a recognized University in South Africa.4
4/31 places are allocated to students who have completed undergraduate or postgraduate degree’s in the faculty of engineering, commerce or law at a recognized University in South Africa.
Following this, candidates are ranked according to the numerical equity target and then according to their qualifications on merit.
There is no information on whether UKZN gives extra points for each postgraduate degree, region of origin, being an alumni or relative of employed staff. Applications to UKZN must be done through the Central Application Office (CAO).
All the best